Painted Geraniums ----------------- Author: Lucie Grenier E-mail: URL: 2009(c)Lucie Grenier Thank you for purchasing Painted geraniums. Content of the zip: ------------------- painted_geraniums\ geranium-bg1a.png (1800X2398) geranium-bg1b.png (1800X2398) geranium-bg2a.png (1800X2398) geranium-bg2b.png (1800X2398) geranium-bloom1.png (340X341) geranium-bloom2.png (467X432) geranium-bloom3.png (282X236) geranium-bloom4.png (450X462) geranium-bloom5.png (356X356) geranium-bloom6.png (401X402) geranium-buds.png (288X356) geranium-cluster1.png (1181X717) geranium-cluster2.png (606X494) geranium-cluster3.png (649X536) geranium-leaf1.png (689X646) geranium-leaf2.png (436X346) geranium-leaf3.png (802X572) geranium-tile.png (800X494) geranium.png (1378X2530) __________________________________________________________ Terms: Lucie Grenier is the author and copyright holder of the images in this product package and retains copyright and ownership of the images included in this zipfile, and your license gives you the right to use the images under specific circumstances. You may use these images to create your own projects for personal or commercial projects, with no restrictions other than these: (1) you may not resell or redistribute the original files. (2) you may not include the images, as is, or in a form in which the images can be extracted from derivative work, in collections for resale or redistribution or in filesharing groups. (3) you may not resave them, as PSP tubes and redistribute them for sale or for free in filesharing groups, (4) this license is non-transferrable. (4) this license covers "reasonable use" by a single user; for example, if you are intending to use the images for mass reproduction (as in stamped patterns for thousands of products for print reproduction in multiple outlets or chain stores or use by more than one person in an educational or business organization, for example), please contact me to discuss multi-person license or appropriate additional royalty arrangements. If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your usage needs, contact Lucie at Additional specific stipulations may include: (1) Scrapbooking: All products may be used for personal scrapbooking purposes in home environments for the use of the purchasing individual only (license is non-transferrable). (2) an extended license is required for any of Lucie's product to be used in the creation of commercial scrapbooking kits. Without special licensing provisions, no products licensed by Lucie may be used to create kits. (3) Second Life: Buyers may create unique derivative products with my products and sell them in at Second Life but these must be genuinely derivative product which employ the original Lucie's product but create a unique new product from the design resources. For Lucie's original products, I have an exclusive agent within Second Life, TRU, who is solely empowered to reformat and sell my products within Second Life. No one other than this produce (Liz Gallagher, of TRU) is legally permitted to sell or redistribute my textures or digital products within the Second Life environment. (4(5) CafePress and similar online presses: Buyers are not permitted to upload Lucie's files or products, as is, to create products on a mass basis online. You may, however, create a unique design of your own using my products (like a collage background) and upload that as your own product. Just adding words to my own products is pretty borderline, so think about the ethics of this situation and try to use the design resources to really design something of your own, eh? (6) Printwork For Mass Production: Products may be used to create single print compositions (such as book covers) but may not produce any product for sale in which the entire product is primarily dependent upon my work, beyond a certain number of impressions. without an extended license. The sale of any digital product created as a derivative of any or all images in this archive is limited to 100 copies, unless prior permission is granted via extended license. (7) Decoupage Companies: You may use my products to create derivative designs which may be sold in the form of downloadable printable sheets (in jpg format). But you may not use my images "as is" to simply provide the original images in jpg format in decoupage sheets, without your own design input. If you want to take my work, as is, and simply translate it, without any design input of your own, into a jpg decoupage sheet to be downloaded from your website as a printable decoupage product, you will need to purchase an extended license, at a price to be negotiated with me.