Text=(1) Product Description: Product Title: "Jaguarwoman' Racoon Dawn" Author: Dana Sitarzewski aka Jaguarwoman, jaguarwoman@jaguarwoman.com Product Date: June 2009 Product Copyright: Dana Sitarzewski aka Jaguarwoman Product Description: A digitally painted racoon vignette & full composition inspired by wilflife from my garden. (2)Ownership Statement: All of the content in this package was created by Dana Sitarzewski aka Jaguarwoman (3) System Requirements: PC, Photoshop, PaintShopPro or any graphics program that can open psd file format (4) Files included: jaguarwoman_racoon.zip contains: jaguarwoman_racoonreadme.txt jaguarwomanlicense.txt racoonvignette.psd (2375 x 2074 pixels) racoondawncomposition.jpg (2400 x 2400 pixels)