Text= (1) Product Name: Jaguarwoman's "Organica", Product Copyright: Dana Sitarzewski aka Jaguarwoman, February 2008 (2) Author Name & Email Address: Dana Sitarzewski aka Jaguarwoman (3) Product Description: 50 seamless organically-themed (?) textures: alien skins and guts and oilslicks and mystery material of surprising beauty. Each tile is 600 x 600 pixels in dimension, 300 dpi, making it possible to resize and further manipulate each texture and perhaps combine them in layer effects, change the hues, turn them, twist them and make them look like something even more suspicious. You can use them for 3d texturing or print composition, they will all be versatile and useful. All in jpg file format. (4) System Requirements: PC or MAC plus Photoshop, PaintShopPro or any graphics program that can open jpg file format (5) Ownership Statement: All of the content in this package was created by Dana Sitarzewski aka Jaguarwoman (6) Needed Files: No 3rd party files are needed for this product to function. (7) Installation Instructions: Unzip the zipfile using Winzip or Stuffit (if you are using a Mac), open your graphics program, navigate to the directory and folder into which you unzipped the zipfile, and open any of the psd and/or jpg files. (8) Usage Tips/Limitations: If you want to reduce the size to a specific width or height, use your "Sharpen" filter AFTER reducing it for best effect. These images reduce very nicely in dimension, but may require a bit of sharpening when reduced by 75% or more. (9) Files Included jaguarwoman_organica.zip, which includes: jaguarwoman_organicareadme.txt jaguarwomanlicense.txt organica1.psd organica2.psd organica3.psd organica4.psd organica5.psd organica6.psd organica7.psd organica8.psd organica9.psd organica10.psd organica11.psd organica12.psd organica13.psd organica14.psd organica15.psd organica16.psd organica17.psd organica18.psd organica19.psd organica20.psd organica21.psd organica22.psd organica23.psd organica24.psd organica25.psd organica26.psd organica27.psd organica28.psd organica29.psd organica30.psd organica31.psd organica32.psd organica33.psd organica34.psd organica35.psd organica36.psd organica37.psd organica38.psd organica39.psd organica40.psd organica41.psd organica42.psd organica43.psd organica44.psd organica45.psd organica46.psd organica47.psd organica48.psd organica49.psd organica50.psd (10) License and Terms of Use: Dana Sitarzewski aka Jaguarwoman is the author and copyright holder of the images in this product package and retains copyright and ownership of the images included in this zipfile, and your license gives you the right to use the images under specific circumstances. You may use this images to create your own projects for personal or commercial projects, with no restirctions other than these: (1) you may not resell the original files, as is. (2) you may not include them in collections for resale or redistribution. (3) you may not resave them as PSP tubes and redistribute them for sale or for free in filesharing groups. (4) this license is non-transferrable. (4) this license covers "reasonable use" by a single user; if you are intending to use the images for mass reproduction (as in stamped patterns for thousands of products for print reproduction in multiple outlets or chain stores or use by more than one person in an educational or business organization, for example), please contact Jaguarwoman to discuss multi-person license or appropriate additional royalty arrangements.