Text=(1) Jaguarwoman's "Forest Ranger", Copyright 2004, Jaguarwoman Webdesign. Ever-alert, freckle-faced, auburn-haired - and gosh-darned she looks good no matter how long she's been in the woods - this forest fae is provided in a single pose, in a psd file format, on a transparent background, without drop shadow, 300 dpi. She is also provided in a complete forest composition, along with her reptile familiar, waiting under an oak tree for her companions to appear. All of this product's content was created by [Dana Sitarzewski, aka jaguarwoman], using Poser Models and Textures legally licensed for commercial use. You may use these images to create your own projects for personal or commercial projects, with no restrictions other than that you may not resell them as a discrete product or include them in collections or PSP tubes for sale. (2) Dana Sitarzewski Jaguarwoman Webdesign http://www.jaguarwoman.com jaguarwoman@jaguarwoman.com (3) Files include: jaguarwoman_forrestranger.zip, which includes: jaguarwoman_forrestrangerreadme.txt forestranger.psd . . . forestrangersm forestrangermed forestrangerlg blackandwhitebg forrestrangerprint.psd (4) You will need either Paint Shop Pro 5+, PhotoShop, Painter5+ or a comparable graphics program with layers capabilities in order to select the layer you wish, copy and paste it into a new document. (5) Instructions: Unzip the zipfile using Winzip or Stuffit (if you are using a Mac), open your graphics program, navigate to the directory and folder into which you unzipped the zipfile, and open either of the psd files. Make sure you have your layers tool palette open. Each layer is labelled, but not all layers are turned on. So select a layer and make it visible if it is not already visible. Then select the element you want, copy it and paste it into another graphics file of your choice. If you then want to reduce the size to a specific width or height, use your "Sharpen" filter AFTER reducing it for best effect. These images reduce very nicely in dimension, but may require a bit of sharpening when reduced by 75% or more. (6) No files required for 3-D programs are included in this zipfile. (7) There is no need for any conversion or application instructions: just copy the image from its layer and paste it into the graphic file document of your choice. Copyright 2003 Dana Sitarzewski Jaguarwoman Webdesign http://www.jaguarwoman.com jaguarwoman@jaguarwoman.com